(914) 636-6600 (Option #1) info@thehallenschool.net

Nursing Services

Our school nurses provide a range of essential health services, including:

Medication Administration: Management of prescription and over-the-counter medications during school hours, and general first aid (with required documentation).

Emergency Care: Immediate response to medical emergencies and coordination with healthcare professionals when needed.

Chronic Condition Management: Support for students with asthma, diabetes, allergies, epilepsy, and other conditions requiring ongoing medical care.

Health Education: Guidance on wellness, nutrition, and preventive care.

Required Health Forms

To ensure that we provide the best possible care, we require all families to complete and submit the necessary medical forms. These forms can be downloaded below and must be returned to the school nurse before the start of the academic year. Please see our downloadable forms below.

Medication Policies

  • All medications must be provided in their original packaging with a physician’s prescription.
  • Medications must be stored in the health office and administered by the school nurse, unless a student has been authorized to self-carry.
  • Emergency medications such as EpiPens and inhalers may be carried by students with proper authorization.
  • Students are not permitted to carry and administer medications in school on their own unless they have a doctor’s order

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our nursing staff:

Health Office
Email: nurse@thehallenschool.net
Phone: 914-636-6600
Fax: 914-636-3126

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our students healthy and safe throughout the school year.

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